

Archive for May 2011

Confirmation on TDK filming at Inverness Airport

The twitterverse has been tweeting that The Dark Knight Rises is doing some filming involving Inverness Airport, but there was never confirmation or detail, until this tag on an IGN article about stars Christian Bale (Bruce Wayne),  Michael Caine (Alfred) and Anne Hathaway (Selina Kyle) filming interior Wayne Manor scenes at the Osterley Park mansion:

Finally, Highland News reports that TDKR will shoot scenes at Inverness Airport in Scotland in the next few weeks. Their source claims the airport will be used “to shoot various aerial scenes.”  More

Aerial scenes are presumably second unit, accounting for the inability of civilians to confirm anything.

The Dark Knight Rises production updates

Production is continuing apace on “The Dark Knight Rises” in the UK and now Cory Booker, the Mayor of Newark in New Jersey, says he’s had a meeting with some of the filmmakers.

“Met with the producer and studio team for the next Batman Movie. Great people! They hope to film scenes in Nwk. Holy Brick City Batman! POW!” he said in a tweet over the weekend.  More

From Dark Horizons


DC Comics relaunch… enough to repair the damage?

DC Comics was unable to capitalize on the popularity of Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight or the record-breaking viral that proceeded it catapulting interest in Batman to a high unseen since the 1989 Tim Burton.  Fans of the movie who entered comic shops as newcomers were met with long-time readers heading out the door in disgust  with storylines like Batman RIP.

With Nolan’s third and final Batman installment The Dark Knight Rises already lighting up the internet with pre-viral volleys such as #thefirerises campaign to launch the Official Dark Knight Rises website, savvy industry watchers are wondering if DC can redeem itself.  Attention is riveted on Anne Hathaway cast as Catwoman, and DC’s notorious mishandling of that character has been named as one of three episodes* that closed comic shops in the economic downturn.

While it’s too late to save the shops that have closed, DC does seem to have a plan to reboot their universe and relaunch their titles. Bleeding Cool presents Flashpost: The Issue One Renumbering Of The DC Universe.  It remains to be seen if those within the comics bubble are cognizant of the non-reading public who comprise the bulk of movie audiences and how to appeal to them.  (Hint: Bruce Wayne being alive and well and wearing a cape would be a good place to start.)

Overheard on the social networks

Fanboys have the memory of a gypsy moth! So now Matthew Modine has been cast, and they’re screaming about “Too many villains.”  Don’t they remember when they did the same thing with Batman Begins and half of them weren’t major characters but Zsasz on screen for 10 seconds.

overheard on Facebook

More SWAT, vehicles from The Dark Knight Rises circulate on Twitter

Anne Hathaway talking Batman…

She doesn’t say much in this 40 second interview with challenging sound quality, but sat down with Anne Hathaway and that’s enough to get twitter a-tweeting

Written by Gotham Trending

05/30/2011 at 2:21 pm

Batman LIVE teaser trailer

BATMAN LIVE focuses on Dick Grayson’s story and his quest for justice as Robin, which leads him to follow in the footsteps of his hero, Batman.  The tacky Schumacher-esque costumes, cheesey batmobile and campy ’66 style performances have garnered a little flack, but really no one cares.

Written by Gotham Trending

05/30/2011 at 6:44 am

Dueling Rumors of Wayne Manor locations in The Dark Knight Rises

One account from alleges that Osterley Park will be the new Wayne Manor in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises…

Is this Wayne Manor in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises?

Another from IGN names the far more beautiful Kedleston Hall

Is Kedleston Hall the new Wayne Manor in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises

Or possibly both, with interiors at Osterley and exteriors at Kedleston.   Osterley workers are already speculating about the stars

Osterley Park is the inside of the Wayne Manor. That’s right 3 rooms – dining room, and study – we forgot to ask what the 3rd room was – it was mentioned the study has a secret exit that will lead to the Batcave. Technically we are guaranteed sighting of Alfred (Michael Caine), Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale), I think Anne Hathaway, as she’s likely to be having dinner with Bruce.  —


Top posts of the week: Catwoman, #thefirerises and “bane 2011”

Photos from the London set

Exclusive at

I paid a visit to the Farmiloe building on St John Street, London being used for the Police station in the third Christian Bale Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises, this morning (Monday) at 10am and it was a hive of activity, with the standard large trucks parked around housing the technical equipment and various fluorescent jacketed stewards and lanyard wearing staff walking about.    More (Photos)

And follow up

Here’s a new picture of the Farmiloe Building at St. John Street…  More (photo)


Anne Hathaway Coming Back From London TDKR Shoot!

And hopes that Selina Kyle will indeed have long hair and a look/costume rejecting the current, unpopular comic book incarnation

I know it’s not much…But here are some photos of Anne Hathaway arriving at JFk airport, from the London TDKR set. As I mentioned in an earlier article, it really looks like Selina Kyle will have long hair after all.

More (pictures) from

Written by Gotham Trending

05/27/2011 at 8:45 pm

Tom Hardy Interview #Bane #thedarkknightrises #tdkr

Don’t expect any details of upcoming The Dark Knight Rises in this interview from Lodown Magazine, but Tom Hardy, who will be playing the blockbuster steroid-enhanced Bane, does touch briefly on his body-builders physique in relation to film:

I’d imagine that this has been the optimum your body has been in a film?
TH: Yeah, I was a stone heavier than Bronson and had no fat as well. I was 12 ½ stone when I did Bronson. I probably had a stone of fat on, so this was the biggest I’ve ever been. I was just on chicken and broccoli. To maintain a structure like that, takes a lot of energy and working also takes a lot of energy as well, it tested me tremendously. I was definitely the weakest link on the film for suffering and sniffling. I sniffled a lot on that film.


from Lodown Magazine via Tumblr

Gotham City Imposters roots in The Dark Knight and TDK Viral – sorta

Finally a real explanation of “Batman First Person Shooter” Gotham City Imposters.  From GameSpy’s WIll Tuttle

“Remember that scene in the beginning of The Dark Knight when a bunch of Batman wannabes decide it’s their civic duty to stop crime, only to have their asses summarily handed to them? Well, that’s sort of the direction Gotham City Impostors takes…”

Except it was all rather bleak in The Dark Knight,

whereas participants in The Dark Knight Viral saw a more lighthearted side on sites like Citizens for Batman where the idea slowly formed.  Gotham City Imposters will capture this lighter view with a tone like Team Fortress 2.

updated to include official trailer.

See related:
Gotham Imposters: HD Gameplay Trailer

Shades of Team Fortress 2 in Gotham City Imposters #Batman

Last week’s announcement of a bizarre first person shooter called Gotham City Imposters was lacking in detail.  Gamespy has filled the void in
The Interrogation Room: Gotham City Impostors

By Will Tuttle and Ryan Scott

TDKR in Scotland

Batman on has identified The Dark Knight Rises’s HQ for location shooting in Glasgow, Scotland.   More

Locations had been officially announced in India, London and Pittsburgh.  There were unconfirmed rumors of filming in Romania.