

Posts Tagged ‘movie props for sale

Hollywood Props Auction to feature Batwing, Nolan Dark Knight and Man of Steel items

The catalog is online now for Premiere Props Hollywood Auction Extravaganza VII which will take place on September 15-16.


Auctioning off over 1000 Hollywood costumes and props including unreleased photos and wardrobe items from Elvis Presley, including his bathing suit from “Blue Hawaii;” Harry’s training broom and quaffle ball from “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,” the WOPR computer from “Wargames,” the Delorean test car from “Back to the Future,” the Samurai sword from “Shogun,” and a trailer from “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang”. The auction will take place at Premiere Props’ headquarters in El Segundo, CA beginning at 11am PT, with a preview from 9-11am PT each day.

Of special interest to Batman fans are items from Christopher Nolan’s and Tim Burton’s Batman movies, as well as numerous items from Nolan-produced 2013 Man of Steel.

Shown are pieces from the Batwing from the 1989 Burton Batman.   Also featured are bundles of burnt bank notes from the iconic scene of Joker (Heath Ledger) burning the mountain of money in Nolan’s The Dark Knight, a sketch of Batman’s leg armor from Batman Begins, negatives from Batman Forever, and pictures of Adam West from the popular ’60s TV show.

Pieces from the upcoming Nolan project Man of Steel include a Smallville street sign, Lois Lane items, Daily Planet signage.  Superman fans will also appreciate Superman’s costume from the Lois and Clark TV show.

View the full catalog and register at

Joker mask sold at auction

There wasn’t a great deal of Batman movie memorabilia at the Hollywood Auction Holiday Extravaganza IV auction facilitated by, but a lifecast of Jack Nicholson’s Joker from the Tim Burton Batman (1989) was sold for an undisclosed amount.


The opening bid was $50 US and the sale price was estimated as between $100-$400 US.

Written by Gotham Trending

12/11/2011 at 7:35 am

First wave of The Dark Knight Rises props hits ebay #TDKR

Pittsburgh is standing in for Gotham City in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises,and  the first wave of props and set dressing has begun to appear on ebay.  So far the Pittsburghers lucky enough to be extras are at a disadvantage from their Chicago counterparts on The Dark Knight.  They were passengers on the ferry and had logo’d Gotham City Transit tickets and schedules.

The Dark Knight Rises Original Movie Prop "Terrible Towel" from the Gotham Rogues game, Gotham Stadium (Heinz Field, Pittsburgh)

The Gotham Rogues version of The Steelers "Terrible Towel"

The Pittsburgh extras at Heinz Field last weekend were portraying fans of the hometown Gotham Rogues. They were given towels to wave, analagous to the Steelers own “Terrible Towel,” but alas the towels do not have any type of logo. At least one seller includes his set pass for authenticity.

Another enterprising Pittsburgher has collected some of the snow scattered as set dressing on the downtown streets.

The Dark Knight Rises set dressing - movie snow - for sale on ebay

Batman fans wanting a more identifiable piece of Gotham City more than an authentic movie prop should keep their eyes open.  The Dark Knight viral produced The Gotham Times newspaper, Wayne Industries Bearer Bonds, and Gotham Pizza pizza boxes.  Most command high prices the first time they appear, and then settle in the $10-20 range, so unless you really have to have it, sit tight.