

Warner Bros. Official Synopsis for TDKR to combat rumors masquerading as more

The Dark Knight Rises set photo: Bruce Wayne Arriving at a party in his new lamborghiniInternet Movie Database reports that Warner Bros. released the official synopsis for The Dark Knight Rises ” Unfortunately, it doesn’t tell us anything we don’t already know. Even with all of the images that have hit the web over the last few months, we still haven’t the slightest clue as to what the movie is about.”    So why bother with a press release that says nothing?  Presumably it was to give the website and others a chance to walk back a story that they should have known better than to run.   Since the announcement that Tom Hardy would be playing Bane, the simpler fans have assumed he would perform exactly the same role as he did in his original appearance in DC Comics, the Knightfall story arc.  Taking a line of dialogue from this scene which they were allowed to hear and interpretting a move of Christian Bale’s as a limp, the more gullible decided this confirmed their “Broken Bat” storyline and sites like IMDB foolishly opted for wording like “Broken Bat synopsis arrives online.”

Warner Bros. has been fairly sporting about all the nonsense, which ultimately generates buzz that is good for the picture.  But there’s a limit and that limit is exceeded when such fanciful speculation is dressed up as something more official.  Hence:

Warner Bros. recently released the official synopsis for their upcoming, highly anticipated and final entry in Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy entitled The Dark Knight Rises. Unfortunately, it doesn’t tell us anything we don’t already know. Even with all of the images that have hit the web over the last few months, we still haven’t the slightest clue as to what the movie is about. In any case, below is the official plot-line the studio released: Every hero has a journey. Every journey has an end. Christopher Nolan will return to complete the epic Gotham trilogy that launched with Batman Begins and reached the stratosphere with the billion dollar blockbuster The Dark Knight. Like I said, there’s nothing there we didn’t already know. The film stars Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway,Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Gary Oldman. The film hits theaters July 20, 2012 from Warner Bros. Pictures. »

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SET VIDEO: Bruce Wayne and that new Lambo arriving at a party in Dark Knight Rises